12.11.2014 - 12.11.2014
E-Consultation on Nature-Based Solutions
The European Commission is developing an EU Research and Innovation policy on nature-based solutions to tackle some of the most pressing challenges of our time. Nature-based solutions can transform societal challenges into innovation opportunities by capitalising on existing knowledge and turning natural capital into a source for green growth and sustainable development. These solutions are inspired and supported by nature, while maintaining and enhancing natural capital. They are sustainable measures that simultaneously meet environmental, social and economic objectives.
The objective of the EU Research & Innovation policy on nature-based solutions is to position Europe as a world leader both in Research & Innovation on nature-based solutions and in the global market for nature-based solutions.
This e-consultation is part of a multi-stakeholder dialogue that will contribute to developing a comprehensive EU Research & Innovation policy framework for nature-based solutions. The e-consultation provides the opportunity to contribute your view and expertise on potential innovation opportunities, relevant examples, and related research and innovation needs for nature-based solutions.
The European Commission, in co-operation with the European Platform for Biodiversity Research Strategy (EPBRS), invites knowledge holders and providers, policy-makers, implementers and market players, users and society at large - from local, regional, national, EU and global level to participate.
Engaging in this anonymous collaborative online dialogue (of max. 80 minutes) from your PC/tablet is easy (http://www.synthetron.com/how-synthetron-works/) and will be triggered by documents sent to registered participants. The four discussion sessions are:
o Improved Risk Management and Resilience – 10:00 CET
o Restoration of Degraded Ecosystems – 12:00 CET
o Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation – 14:00 CET
o Sustainable Urbanisation – 16:00 CET
Click here for REGISTRATION (until 7 November 2014)
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