First IMPRESSIONS Central Asia Case Study Stakeholder Workshop

The first IMPRESSIONS stakeholder workshop dedicated to the project's Central Asia case study has now started in Almaty, Kazakhstan. The 2-day workshop is taking place on 16 & 17 February 2015. It is the first in a planned series of three workshops per case study that will take place over the project's lifetime to facilitate science-policy dialogue in relation to responding to the consequences of high-end climate change.
The Central Asia case study aims to answer questions of: 
  • What will the implications of extreme climate change be for regional security and stability in Central Asia?
  • What will be the knock-on effects for Russia and China?
  • How can the EU best respond? 
This first participatory scenario building workshop marks the beginning of the IMPRESSIONS EU External case study to explore transboundary climate change impacts on energy links, migration, agricultural exports and complex human and ‘hard’ security dynamics in one of the world’s most contested and strategic regions. 


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