Second Iberian Case Study Workshop: Innovative Responses to Climate Change

The Second Iberian Case Study Workshop took place on 29 & 30 September 2016, in Toledo, Spain. The event brought together Spanish and Portuguese stakeholders, representing different sectors (e.g. water, conservation, agro-forestry, education, etc.), from research, public institutions, business and civil society.

In an intense two-day workshop, stakeholders were guided through a highly interactive process, through which they discussed future developments in Spain and Portugal in view of high-end climate change, developed a shared vision for the region, and came up with innovative responses and strategies to tackle some of the most pressing issues.

To kickstart these discussions the IMPRESSIONS team presented some of its work, including modelling results on climate change impacts on water and agro-forestry systems, and presented existing policies in the region (the Common Agricultural Policy and the Water Framework Directive), to receive stakeholder input on how these policies will fare in the future.


Intensive discussions during the Second Iberian Case Study Workshop in Toledo (Credit: S. Haenen)

In 2016, our scientists met stakeholders across all five case studies, with a focus on developing visions for high-end climate change futures. This workshop was the last of this second round of workshop aimed at allowing researchers to measure the project’s work against real-world needs and experiences. Through this workshops IMPRESSIONS paved the way towards developing the multi-scale climate change scenario backbone of the project, which will be tested and discussed next year at the third round of stakeholder meetings.

The Bond You Hold from Diego Galafassi on Vimeo. Credits:

A physical theatre performance overlaid with pattern projections and music embodying the dynamic relation between climate and humans, in a world beyond 2oC warming.
Directed by Diego Galafassi and Maria Heras.
Performance and choreography Maria Magdalona Beky Winnerstram and Erin Fowler. Music composed by Katherine Young, USA
Scientific direction David Tàbara and Kasper Kok
Make-up Flora Velloso (
Light design Ronald Hessman

Art projections from Tone Bjordam and Marten Scheffer’s collaboration "Critical Transitions". For more information see this website:
Additional camera Nick Graalman. Additional projections Diego Galafassi, Felix Pharand-Deschenes in "Climate Change – The State of The Science" (IGBP and Globaia production).
Additional music Marten Scheffer and Arnin Scheidel

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