The CLIMSAVE project has now published a Special Issue on "Regional integrated assessment of cross-sectoral climate change impacts, adaptation and vulnerability". The EU 7th Framework programme project was led by Dr Paula Harrison (the IMPRESSIONS Coordinator) and involved 18 partner institutions across Europe.
The special issue (Climatic Change Volume 128, Issue 3 – 4), describes the development and application of a user-friendly software tool that has been designed to allow stakeholders to carry out regional integrated assessments of climate change impacts, adaptation and vulnerability for themselves. The 17 papers deal with the development and evaluation of the tool (the CLIMSAVE Integrated Assessment Platform) and the participatory scenarios within it, a series of cross-sectoral impact and adaptation case studies using the tool to assess the outcomes for multiple sectors, adaptive capacity, vulnerability hotspots, cost-effectiveness of adaptation options, interactions between adaptation and mitigation, and a synthesis of the project outcomes focusing on how the tool can be used to inform robust policy responses to climate change. The volume provides an overview of the difficulties and utility of, and lessons for the future for, stakeholder-led regional integrated assessment of climate change.
The IMPRESSIONS European case study is advancing the development of the CLIMSAVE Integrated Assessment Platform to include time-dependent responses and additional sectors.
More information available on the CLIMSAVE website: http://www.climsave.eu/climsave/papersSI.html